Alpha 3.0 !

Good morning all,

I realize I forgot to publish the article for 2.0, oops!

The 2.0

In 2.0, I integrated artificial intelligence, the soldier. The captain is not yet available or useful at the moment, he will not be present in the game demo.

In this update, I also grouped some pieces together to complicate the game a bit because the AI ​​was useless in very small maps.

I also put in the chairs that block the doors and the water buckets to help Torkin.

The news 3.0

Now let’s talk about Alpha 3.0.

  • An introduction is now present, a fresco which explains the prologue which was made by my brother.
  • I added several cutscenes for the intro but also to explain the puzzles because my goal is to make sure that those who don’t want to read the books can still find the secrets.
  • For the tutorial, I made Rosie, a rat who will come back often in the final game. She is looking for her parents and you will follow her story as you travel. For the tutorial, she helps Torkin leave the southern jails.
  • A new dialogue system is introduced because the bubble system did not work for cutscenes.
  • I also did a lot of minor bug fixes.

The next step is to end the demo with version 4.0 which will be the last feature update.

It will mainly bring improvements for the game and AI, FX (smoke, fire, etc.) and a new concept for the use of gold coins. I say no more.

After alpha 4.0, I’ll just have to finish the game.

All the mechanics being almost fully implemented (apart from the Boss that I should integrate and the map in the inventory to develop) and I would have to build the entire dungeon, integrate various cutscenes, items (chests, keys, cage / Torks) , gold coins, etc.).

Please feel free to use the comment section to respond to articles, with the greatest of respect, please.

You can also contact me via the contact form if you want to communicate in a more private way.

There is also a form dedicated to the bugs encountered regarding the game demo.

I remain at your disposal and look forward to your reactions to the game Torkin’s Escape!

Good game,

I wish you a happy new year 2021!
Categories: Development


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